
Projekt nije nađen.

Podržavani projekti

Repozitorij Opis Gledatelji Ravnoteža
tip4commit/tip4commit Donate bitcoins to open source projects or make commits and get tips for it. 165 0.52491212 Ƀ Podrži
mycelium-com/wallet-android Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet for Android 680 0.33882345 Ƀ Podrži
cjdelisle/cjdns An encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. 5230 0.27648851 Ƀ Podrži
p2pool/p2pool Peer-to-peer Bitcoin mining pool 1161 0.24907085 Ƀ Podrži
arsenische/bitcoinocracy Truth backed by Bitcoin 23 0.16695065 Ƀ Podrži
activescott/lessmsi A tool to view and extract the contents of an Windows Installer (.msi) file. 1407 0.16085671 Ƀ Podrži
Odvojeno od niryariv/KalSMS
SMSgateway 11 0.15727964 Ƀ Podrži
ccw-ide/ccw Counterclockwise is an Eclipse plugin helping developers write Clojure code 219 0.10791000 Ƀ Podrži
miguelfreitas/twister-core twister core / daemon 1418 0.09503817 Ƀ Podrži
secret-bitcoin-login/indigent-android-bitcoin A guide to setting up a stock android device as a mobile bitcoin appliance for people with few resources. The initial target is to provide a smooth process for panhandlers to receive bitcoin tips. 4 0.08854076 Ƀ Podrži
Odvojeno od peercoin/peercoin
EmerCoin Official Development Tree 124 0.08717476 Ƀ Podrži
lian/bitcoin-ruby bitcoin utils and protocol in ruby. 921 0.08563883 Ƀ Podrži
OpenBazaar/openbazaar3-rust Rust implementation of OpenBazaar 3.0 68 0.07740090 Ƀ Podrži
darkwallet/darkwallet Your keys. Your privacy. Your sovereignty. 659 0.07702198 Ƀ Podrži
sferik/t-ruby A command-line power tool for Twitter. 5427 0.07444951 Ƀ Podrži
brianc/node-postgres PostgreSQL client for node.js. 12523 0.06680245 Ƀ Podrži
super3/primecoin.io Web files for Primecoin.io 6 0.05956415 Ƀ Podrži
hyperboria/android Android app for mesh networking with cjdns 159 0.05826611 Ƀ Podrži
syncany/syncany Syncany is a cloud storage and filesharing application with a focus on security and abstraction of storage. 1649 0.04987172 Ƀ Podrži
arhs/iban.js IBAN & BBAN validation, formatting and conversion in Javascript 542 0.04800000 Ƀ Podrži
miguelfreitas/twister-webview-app sample webview app for android 47 0.04552500 Ƀ Podrži
BinaryMuse/fluxxor :hammer_and_wrench: Flux architecture tools for React 1691 0.04550252 Ƀ Podrži
loadavg/loadavg Server Monitoring & Analytics 25 0.04392590 Ƀ Podrži
abrkn/pg-builder PostgreSQL query builder 3 0.03883750 Ƀ Podrži
popcorn-time/popcorn-app An experiment using the peerflix module of nodejs and connecting a bunch of APIs. 5180 0.03863650 Ƀ Podrži
openpgpjs/openpgpjs OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript 5778 0.03852696 Ƀ Podrži
popcorn-official/popcorn-desktop Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player ( Windows / Mac / Linux ) A Butter-Project Fork 9640 0.03772420 Ƀ Podrži
Odvojeno od tip4commit/tip4commit
Donate primecoins to open source projects or make commits and get tips for it. 4 0.03584174 Ƀ Podrži
namecoin/ncdns-nsis NSIS scripts for ncdns. 3 0.03182934 Ƀ Podrži
namecoin/dns-prop279 Bridge between Tor Prop279 clients and DNS servers 9 0.02979016 Ƀ Podrži