
Supported Projects

Repository Description Watchers Balance
slush0/stratum-mining-proxy Application providing bridge between old HTTP/getwork protocol and Stratum mining protocol. 402 0.02970810 Ƀ Support project
forked from g2x3k/litecoin-instawallet-simple
The new LTC.PE Instawallet source code 10 0.02821500 Ƀ Support project
namecoin/ncdns :globe_with_meridians: Namecoin to DNS bridge daemon 139 0.02251558 Ƀ Support project
markwinter/Antox Scala android client for Project Tox - secure p2p messaging 506 0.01915423 Ƀ Support project
taskify/taskify Taskify Parent Repo 9 0.01905993 Ƀ Support project
brainwallet/brainwallet.github.io Brainwallet site 291 0.01812190 Ƀ Support project
artursapek/mondrian Web-based vector graphics editor 1241 0.01696316 Ƀ Support project
forked from ConsensusJ/consensusj
Cryptocurrency components for JVM & Android (JSON client & server support, services, DSL, CLI) (Namecoin fork; you should probably be using upstream) 2 0.01588880 Ƀ Support project
forked from dogecoin/libdohj
Java library for adding altcoin support to bitcoinj (Namecoin fork, you should probably be using upstream from Dogecoin) 2 0.01572831 Ƀ Support project
adv0r/mtgox-api-v2-java Java library to trade Bicoins on MtGox using the Version 2.0 of their APIs. With examples 11 0.01454952 Ƀ Support project
bpeel/notbit A minimal Bitmessage client 51 0.01454772 Ƀ Support project
libbitcoin/libbitcoin-system Bitcoin Cross-Platform C++ Development Toolkit 1318 0.01380700 Ƀ Support project
pointbiz/bitaddress.org JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator 2524 0.01291764 Ƀ Support project
forked from kyuupichan/electrumx
Alternative implementation of spesmilo/electrum-server (Namecoin fork; you should probably be using upstream) 0 0.01286552 Ƀ Support project
Bitmessage/PyBitmessage Reference client for Bitmessage: a P2P encrypted decentralised communication protocol: 2838 0.01083759 Ƀ Support project
ramnathv/rCharts Interactive JS Charts from R 1192 0.01050844 Ƀ Support project
nathanmarz/storm Distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation: stream processing, continuous computation, distributed RPC, and more 8820 0.01035219 Ƀ Support project
panicsteve/cloud-to-butt Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt' 1456 0.00990000 Ƀ Support project
jquery/jquery jQuery JavaScript Library 59448 0.00986049 Ƀ Support project
brettwooldridge/HikariCP 光 HikariCP・A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last. 20342 0.00985219 Ƀ Support project
perwendel/spark A simple expressive web framework for java. Spark has a kotlin DSL https://github.com/perwendel/spark-kotlin 9653 0.00985219 Ƀ Support project
bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers. 5829 0.00977599 Ƀ Support project
TacoCoin/tacocoin The Official Repo of Tacocoin 9 0.00943614 Ƀ Support project
Someguy123/-Coin +Coin is a web interface in PHP for Bitcoin based daemons released under the public domain (UNLICENSE) 37 0.00912566 Ƀ Support project
shayanb/Open-Wallet-Format Bitcoin Wallet Convertor 6 0.00900000 Ƀ Support project
Open-Transactions/opentxs Open Transactions - Libraries and CLI 132 0.00869971 Ƀ Support project
sbuss/bitmerchant Bitcoin merchant tools 82 0.00816278 Ƀ Support project
iShift/twister-webkit webkit client for twister 173 0.00764689 Ƀ Support project
bountysource/core Bountysource is the funding platform for open-source software. 632 0.00755777 Ƀ Support project
javalite/javalite JavaLite is a cohesive collection of frameworks designed from ground up to add pleasure back to your daily life 859 0.00690219 Ƀ Support project