Repository | Description | Watchers | Balance | ||
StackExchange/blackbox | Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion | 6706 | Support project | |
stackforge/packstack-vagrant | Vagrant environment providing a Packstack installation. | 25 | Support project | |
stiletto/bnw | BnW microbblogging service | 38 | Support project | ||
super3/ | Web files for | 6 | Support project | ||
super3/ | Static site for Protoshares. | 1 | Support project | ||
symfony/symfony | The Symfony PHP framework | 29981 | Support project | |
syncany/syncany | Syncany is a cloud storage and filesharing application with a focus on security and abstraction of storage. | 1647 | Support project | |
sytolk/TaxiAndroidOpen | Taxi client application to communicate with RESTFul taxi companies services and send request, real time show back information for request status, arriving time and posion of the car accepted the request. | 90 | Support project | ||
szydell/gogtm | package gogtm - interface to gt.m db | 1 | Support project | ||
szydell/rjgtm | RESTful JSON api for GT.M | 0 | Support project | ||
TacoCoin/tacocoin | The Official Repo of Tacocoin | 9 | Support project | |
TakefiveInteractive/WeatherMap | WeatherMap combines weather info with map display. You can view the ongoing weather change of an entire region in one scroll! A tool designed for those of you who road-trip or travel around often. | 287 | Support project | |
taskify/taskify | Taskify Parent Repo | 9 | Support project | |
techcoincommunity/techcoin | 3 | Support project | |||
teran-mckinney/baker | Bash script for server deployments using Openstack | 1 | Support project | ||
TheFuturistParty/vote | A platform for digital debate and voting | 11 | Support project | |
tip4commit/tip4commit | Donate bitcoins to open source projects or make commits and get tips for it. | 165 | Support project | |
torproject/tor | unofficial git repo -- report bugs/issues/pull requests on -- | 4525 | Support project | |
torvalds/linux | Linux kernel source tree | 187401 | Support project | ||
TOWYNproject/Batch_Scripts | Developing tools for noobs | 0 | Support project | |
CUDA Open Source miner project, for most nvidia cards | 1657 | Support project | ||
twbs/bootstrap | The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. | 171362 | Support project | |
twodayslate/qrmail | Quick Reply for | 2 | Support project | ||
UncleCJ/hicollegegit | This is a public (shallow) clone of our repo in bitbucket for the HiCollege CM and Git course | 1 | Support project | ||
vanilla/vanilla | Vanilla is a powerfully simple discussion forum you can easily customize to make as unique as your community. | 2905 | Support project | |
vbauer/manet | Website screenshot service powered by Node.js, SlimerJS and PhantomJS | 575 | Support project | ||
Vichan is the most popular and widely used imageboard software in the world. It is a free, light-weight, fast, highly configurable and user-friendly imageboard software package. | 655 | Support project | |
vinumeris/lighthouse | Lighthouse: a peer to peer crowdfunding app that uses Bitcoin | 310 | Support project | |
voisine/breadwallet-ios | bread - bitcoin wallet | 1077 | Support project | ||
webtorrent/webtorrent | ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web | 29905 | Support project |