
Supported Projects

Repository Description Watchers Balance
javalite/javalite JavaLite is a cohesive collection of frameworks designed from ground up to add pleasure back to your daily life 860 0.00690219 Ƀ Support project
jfm-so/piWallet piWallet is an open source program developed by Johnathan Martin that allows almost anyone to setup an online web wallet for a cryptocurrency. 262 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
jl777/libjl777 17 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
jl777/SuperNET_API 2 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
forked from bitcoin/bitcoin
Bitcoin Core + StatsD integration 238 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
joeyh/git-annex Manage large files with git. (This github mirror is not used for development. Please use https://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/ for bug reports and pull requests.) 1257 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
jplayer/jPlayer jPlayer : HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery 4601 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
jquery/jquery jQuery JavaScript Library 59372 0.00986049 Ƀ Support project
jsonresume/resume-cli CLI tool to easily setup a new resume 4591 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
kaminari/kaminari ⚡ A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Ruby webapps 8596 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
koalalorenzo/python-digitalocean Python module to manage Digital Ocean droplets 1263 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
kochol/kge Kochol Game Engine(KGE) is going to be a complete game engine that has flexible design which uses Plugins, Components and Systems. You can create games for windows, linux ,web and android devices with this engine. 20 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
kpcyrd/tls.li Hardened TLS configuration examples 4 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
laravel/laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. 79555 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
Leaflet/Leaflet JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 42000 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
lebedov/scikit-cuda Python interface to GPU-powered libraries 992 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
lian/bitcoin-ruby bitcoin utils and protocol in ruby. 920 0.08563883 Ƀ Support project
libbitcoin/libbitcoin-system Bitcoin Cross-Platform C++ Development Toolkit 1312 0.01380700 Ƀ Support project
libravatar/libravatar-legacy Mirror of the legacy Launchpad repository 28 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
libremesh/lime-packages LibreMesh packages configuring OpenWrt for wireless mesh networking 285 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
llazzaro/analyzer :chart: Python framework for real-time financial and backtesting trading strategies 213 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
llazzaro/django-scheduler A calendaring app for Django. 1313 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
loadavg/loadavg Server Monitoring & Analytics 25 0.04392590 Ƀ Support project
luke-jr/bfgminer Modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control and remote interface capabilities. 1869 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
mailgun/mailgun-php Mailgun's Official SDK for PHP 1111 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
mailpile/Mailpile A free & open modern, fast email client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features 8819 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
makevoid/donacoin A cryptocoin mining based donation system - Let the protocol generate donations - Proof of concept - the application is not "production ready" - we suggest you to fork it / host it / manage it [PROJECT_STATUS: good alpha version, try it! (change mining account, upgrade the miner program maybe choose a good gpu-coin-pool like scrypt, x11 or others)] 1 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
makevoid/paperbank Bitcoin Paper Key generator - using a thermal USB printer and a basic linux box (like a Rrasp. PI) - Paper Wallet Generator 37 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
forked from victor-oliveira1/coolrom_downloader
Baixe roms diretamente do terminal! 0 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
markwinter/Antox Scala android client for Project Tox - secure p2p messaging 507 0.01915423 Ƀ Support project