
Supported Projects

Repository Description Watchers Balance
brettwooldridge/HikariCP 光 HikariCP・A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last. 20240 0.00985219 Ƀ Support project
brianc/node-postgres PostgreSQL client for node.js. 12470 0.06680245 Ƀ Support project
btcsuite/btcd An alternative full node bitcoin implementation written in Go (golang) 6352 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
forked from pointbiz/bitaddress.org
JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator 453 0.00255056 Ƀ Support project
ccw-ide/ccw Counterclockwise is an Eclipse plugin helping developers write Clojure code 219 0.10791000 Ƀ Support project
cdnjs/cdnjs CDN assets - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers. 10413 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
Chinachu/Chinachu Japanese DVR Software. 569 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
Chinachu/Mirakurun A Modern DVR Tuner Server for Japanese TV. 644 0.00049005 Ƀ Support project
cjdelisle/cjdns An encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. 5228 0.28210236 Ƀ Support project
clojure/clojure The Clojure programming language 10549 0.00245814 Ƀ Support project
CoinDocs/bitcoin-docs Awesome documentation for Bitcoin. 2 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
coinscrow/minerstat-linux OUTDATED! Project moved to: https://github.com/minerstat/minerstat-os 19 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
count0/graph-tool An efficient python module for analysis and manipulation of graphs. 296 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
crystal-web/Crystal-Web-PHP-Framework Simple CMS pour développeur PHP 2 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
cuberite/cuberite A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft 5097 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
cython/cython The most widely used Python to C compiler 9769 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
forked from bitshares/bitshares1-core
Decentralized Clearing Protocol for Entertainment Services 15 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
darkwallet/darkwallet Your keys. Your privacy. Your sovereignty. 659 0.07702198 Ƀ Support project
dennisvandehoef/commit-bonus A rails app were man can see the bonus for commits on diffirent webpages 0 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
dennisvandehoef/easy_gravatar A simple gem that gives you -all- the data avalabile for the user on gravatar.com 0 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
dessalines/bitpieces An international crowd-funding platform using bitcoin 12 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance. 11387 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
discourse/discourse A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. 43162 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
django/django The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. 82234 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
forked from ExploreBTC/BitcoinGrind
Bitcoin faucet rotator. 0 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
dmcclccam/Twine 0 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
dogecoin/dogecoin very currency 14884 0.00040669 Ƀ Support project
DonnchaC/oniontip OnionTip is a web app which parses Tor relay data to allow users to tip volunteers for running relay in a fair and open way. 53 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
DragonFlyBSD/DragonFlyBSD DragonFly BSD System Source Repository (read-only mirror) 557 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
drahnr/oregano Schematic capture and circuit simulator 217 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project