
Supported Projects

Repository Description Watchers Balance
forked from dogecoin/libdohj
Java library for adding altcoin support to bitcoinj (Namecoin fork, you should probably be using upstream from Dogecoin) 2 0.01572831 Ƀ Support project
adv0r/mtgox-api-v2-java Java library to trade Bicoins on MtGox using the Version 2.0 of their APIs. With examples 11 0.01454952 Ƀ Support project
javalite/javalite JavaLite is a cohesive collection of frameworks designed from ground up to add pleasure back to your daily life 860 0.00690219 Ƀ Support project
pointbiz/bitaddress.org JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator 2505 0.01291764 Ƀ Support project
forked from pointbiz/bitaddress.org
JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator 453 0.00255056 Ƀ Support project
jplayer/jPlayer jPlayer : HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery 4601 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
jquery/jquery jQuery JavaScript Library 59372 0.00986049 Ƀ Support project
MirBSD/jupp jupp Source Code Mirror – This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. This repository is a mirror and may receive forced (non-fast-forward) updates. Please contribute to the CVS repository of The MirOS Project instead. 5 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
kochol/kge Kochol Game Engine(KGE) is going to be a complete game engine that has flexible design which uses Plugins, Components and Systems. You can create games for windows, linux ,web and android devices with this engine. 20 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
xbmc/xbmc Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for Android, BSD, Linux, macOS, iOS, tvOS and Windows. 18925 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
laravel/laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. 79555 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
GetDotaStats/stat-collection Library for setting up stat collection for dota2 mods 11 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
libremesh/lime-packages LibreMesh packages configuring OpenWrt for wireless mesh networking 285 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance. 11387 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
vinumeris/lighthouse Lighthouse: a peer to peer crowdfunding app that uses Bitcoin 310 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
torvalds/linux Linux kernel source tree 187401 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
mailgun/mailgun-php Mailgun's Official SDK for PHP 1111 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
joeyh/git-annex Manage large files with git. (This github mirror is not used for development. Please use https://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/ for bug reports and pull requests.) 1257 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
MirBSD/mksh MirBSD Korn Shell Source Code Mirror – This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. This repository is a mirror and may receive forced (non-fast-forward) updates. Please contribute to the CVS repository of The MirOS Project instead. See https://github.com/mirabilos/mksh for some experiments autobuilding this with Travis-CI and GitHub Actions and for Coverity Scan. 214 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
libravatar/libravatar-legacy Mirror of the legacy Launchpad repository 28 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge Modifications to the Minecraft base files to assist in compatibility between mods. New Discord: https://discord.minecraftforge.net/ 7036 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
luke-jr/bfgminer Modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control and remote interface capabilities. 1869 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
nodejs/node-v0.x-archive Moved to https://github.com/nodejs/node 34405 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
mycelium-com/wallet-android Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet for Android 680 0.33882345 Ƀ Support project
forked from domob1812/namecoin-core
Namecoin full node + wallet based on the current Bitcoin Core codebase. 467 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
forked from spesmilo/electrum
Namecoin port of Electrum Bitcoin client. 29 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
neurokernel/neurokernel Neurokernel Project 551 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
bonesoul/CoiniumServ Next-gen crypto currency mining pool software 815 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
NixOS/nixpkgs Nix Packages collection & NixOS 19257 0.00000000 Ƀ Support project
selaux/miner-dashboard Node.js based app to show the current status of your miner in a browser. 36 0.00438824 Ƀ Support project